Sunday 14 June 2015

News and contact details

 registered charity number:
N.Saunders, Andrew Saunders(pending), N.Daintree, A. Wright, P. Tipping.
administrative member:

phone     07758847089 

site content:
page 1  News & contact details
page 2  What our supporters say
page 3  Who we work with, the Juno Enterprise Learning Community
page 4  What we aim to do
page 5  Our vision
page 6  Our activities
Thank you for visiting. You may have to scroll down and click "older stories" to see all pages. 

Our News

IN 2025 WE WILL 

(Above: learning about natural and cultural heritage, South Yorkshire)

Our volunteers meet like minded people who care about our communities; they get involved with events, activities, local groups, projects and delivering resources. Volunteer teams recently produced a range of resources for use with our Learning Community, from healthy eating  and attachment and PACE parenting to basic skills and helping hedgehogs. The annual seasonal work that our volunteers do on heritage and wildlife monitoring and surveys, builds identification skills whilst creating important local maps of trees, plants, animals, landscapes and cultural heritage. Volunteers nurture peer support groups for families with adopted children. Adult care has been a recent learning topic.
We were delighted to deliver our programme: "Out to Learn" with Juno Enterprise Learning Community. The project secured funding from Big Lottery Fund.

We wish to thank: Dawn Chorus Educational Initiative CIC for ongoing project delivery and infrastructure support; Derbyshire VCI Consortium for publicity opportunities; Nottinghamshire County Council for help with safeguarding issues and checks and Community Accounting Plus for advice on our accounts. We have made a huge expansion of our community learning resources, most recently adding to our diversity activities resource; trans racial adoption information and elective home education support. Popular spring activities have included a childrens pre-history project and family wildlife activities for ponds and bees.

Below, top: what a nice "thank you" gift from Little Adventurers Forest School for our help with the woodland winter festivities for children and families. Below the "wishing yule log that the forest school children made.

Our Moth-Watch Challenge had good community participation and turned up many colourful species such as the Poplar Hawk Moth.

Above & below: volunteers pictures taken on activities throughout the year.